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Lesson 3


By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  • Create a digital storyboard that demonstrates how the semiotic modes (visual, spatial, audio and gestural) can work together in communicating meaning to viewers.

  • Critically view and evaluate the relevance, effectiveness and creativity of the use of the audio semiotic mode in their peers’ digital storyboards by using the class rubric.

(5 mins)

Tuning-in Activity

Conduct a word blast activity and collate their responses either on the class Padlet (the students have access to the class Padlet) so that they can refer to what they have come up with during the lesson.

Get the students to:

  • Recall the themes that were present in the transmedia text, "Wonder"

  • Recall the prominent characters

  • Think about other books they have read/films they have watched that have similar themes

(45 mins)

digital storyboard creation

In pairs, students have to create a digital storyboard (consisting of 6 frames) using the digital platform Storyboard That on an iPad. Students are given a choice of task as follows:

Task 1 - Imagine that you are Via, Auggie's                                                      older sister. Create a short narrative film to                                                      share your side of the story with the viewers.

Task 2 - Create a short narrative film with your own                                  alternate ending of the film "Wonder". 

These are some things that the students should look out for when creating their digital storyboards:

  • Well-structured (follows the narrative structure that they have learnt in Lesson 1)

  • Justification of the choices made in the design of the storyboard by using the media strategies (mood, intimacy, music and involvement) 

  • Backed-up by the explanation of how the various semiotic resources work together in communicating their intended message to the viewers 

Guiding questions: (students should note down their explanations using a note-taking application (e.g., Word) on their iPads)

  • Did you use a certain colour scheme to design your storyboard?

    • If yes, why was that colour chosen?

    • If no, why did you choose to include a mix of colours? 

  • What is the reason behind the use of direct/indirect gazes?

    • How do the different types of gazes create different levels of intimacy?

  • Why did you decide to use certain camera shots for certain scenes? 

  • How did you place emphasis on certain emotions through the audio choices made?

click here to show the students an example of a digital storyboard of a narrative film!

(10 mins)


Select a few pairs of students to share their digital storyboards, alongside the reasons behind the choices that they made while designing the storyboard, with the class. 

Using the class rubric, students will evaluate and rate the relevance, effectiveness and creativity of the audio choices that they made in designing their digital storyboard.

Key questions: 

  • Based on your rating, what do you think was done well and what could be improved?

  • What did you like about their digital storyboard?

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