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Lesson 2


By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  • Critically view and analyse a professional narrative film using the media strategies (mood, intimacy, music and involvement).

  • Create a class rubric to evaluate the relevance, effectiveness and creativity of the use of the audio semiotic mode in a narrative film. 

(5 mins)

Tuning-in Activity

Play the following clips (30-60 seconds of each) for the students: Clip 1 is a Spotify soundtrack whereas Clip 2 is a Youtube video with no sound. 

Key questions:

  • What are some elements that could help to enhance the effectiveness of Clip 1? (Expected responses: Videos, images) 

  • What are some elements that could help to enhance the effectiveness of Clip 2? (Expected responses: Background music, voices, sound effects) 


Conclude this activity by explaining to the students that when they view texts that contain stand-alone semiotic modes, the meaning that the text creates may not be as significant as if the gestural, spatial, visual and audio semiotic modes work together.

Clip 1: Soundtrack

Clip 2: Video with no sound

(50 mins)

JIGSAW Activity

Relay these instructions to the students:

  • The students will be split into groups of 4 and this will be their home group.

  • Each of the students within their home groups will be an "expert film critique" of 4 different scenes from the narrative film "Wonder" respectively.

  • Distribute an iPad to each expert group and get the students to launch VideoAnt and their assigned scene from the narrative film on their iPads (they should already know how to use VideoAnt because they have learnt it before in their ICT lessons).



In their expert groups, analyse the scene from the narrative film “Wonder” together using the media strategies (mood, intimacy, music, involvement). After discussing and annotating the video using VideoAnt, they have to upload their annotated videos onto the class Padlet


In their home groups, students are to report their findings as an "expert film critique" of their given scene to their groupmates. Students may view the annotated videos on the class Padlet. Upon viewing the annotated videos and listening to the sharing by the "expert film critiques", as a group, the students should comment on all 4 columns by:

  • Adding at least 1 of their own analysis of the scene using the media strategies (mood, intimacy, music, involvement)

  • Stating why they agree with the analysis made or how the existing analysis could be further improved 


Share with the students that by commenting on their peers' analyses, they have actually created their own evaluation criteria in their heads. Now, they will be collaborating as a class (with the teacher as the facilitator) to create their very own class rubric, which can be used to evaluate the relevance, effectiveness and creativity* of the use of the audio semiotic mode in a narrative film.

*Note that the students have used the evaluation criteria RECO (relevance, effectiveness, creativity and overall) before, but in a different context.

Key questions to guide the students during the class rubric co-creation process:

  • What does it mean to say that the music chosen is relevant?

    • Does it mean that the music was appropriate or inappropriate in developing the themes of the film? 

  • What does it mean to say that the audio elements (music/sound effects/background music) are effective?

    • Does it mean that the music was successful or not successful in enhancing the meaning that the visual elements create in the film?

  • What do you understand by the term “creativity”? 

    • How do different types of audio elements make a film more creative?​

Collate and synthesise their responses in a table format and make sure to print a copy of the class rubric for every student for Lesson 3!  


Video 1


Video 2


Video 3


Video 4

class rubric.png

(5 mins)


Individually, students will use the class rubric to rate the effectiveness of the use of the audio semiotic mode in Video 4 (from 2:08 onwards), which will be screened for the whole class to view. 

Upon viewing the video, students will have to:

  • Rate the effectiveness of the use of the audio semiotic mode in the video on a scale of 1 to 5 (students will use their fingers to indicate their effectiveness rating).

  • Justify their ratings by either explaining why the audio elements were effective if they gave a high rating or giving a suggestion on how to make it more effective if they gave a low rating.

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